What is Security BSides

Security BSides is a framework for events that enables individuals to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the confines of traditional media. Frameworks such as BSides enable individuals and non-profit organizations to drive the event, shape the media, and encourage participation. BSides conferences are community-organized events run by local individuals and nonprofits with the goal of enabling a platform for open information sharing. BSides is an ‘unconference’ that follows the ‘open spaces’ format. This includes structured presentations and smaller breakout groups, which provide a direct connection between speakers and the audience.

Security BSides History

Security BSides was born out of a desire to remove barriers to entry and create a community of active participants. We believe that making it easier for everyone to participate in the security community enables great things. What started as a small gathering of folks at one event in 2009 has grown to 550+ BSides events in 175+ cities in 50+ countries in just 14 years, and the number of events continues to grow as participants realize they can create a community anywhere, be it Augusta or Zurich. While every BSides event is unique and independently run, all are committed to being a community-organized, volunteer-driven, and corporately-funded forum for expanding the spectrum of information security conversation.

Target Audience

Each BSides event has its unique character, but they all appeal to industry professionals seeking to expand or enhance their current security skills and knowledge by engaging in forward-thinking discussions. These events attract industry and thought leaders, as well as information security professionals, all driven by a shared objective to stay ahead of emerging trends and connect with others who are dealing with similar challenges. BSides offers a platform to explore new ideas, exchange insights, and foster meaningful connections in the rapidly evolving field of information security.

BSides Tirana

Held in the heart of Tirana, BSides Tirana 2024 is a dynamic information security conference that promises to inspire and engage people with an interest in cyber security. Featuring a collaborative venue designed to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas, BSides Tirana serves as a vital connection between information security professionals and the thriving technology community in Tirana.  Following the events of the cyber attacks in Albania, it becomes clear just how critical cyber security is for any organization, business, or government. It is important to ensure that everyone is prepared for today’s security challenges. BSides Tirana provides a valuable way for you and your organization to build connections with the information security community; connections that can lead to a better educated workforce, stronger security practices, and a safer world to do business.

Meet the BSides Tirana Team

The organisers are people who believed that such an international event like BSides should also come to the heart of Albania.


We are looking for volunteers who would like to help with the event, especially on the day of the conference. If you believe you could give us a hand on the day, do not hesitate to contact us on organiser[@]bsidestirana[.]al .