
Arjola Hoxha

Cyber Security Specialist
Arjola Hoxha is a Cyber Security Specialist and Assistant Lecturer with 5 years of work experience and more than 3 years in the field of Cyber Security. Arjola has extensive experience in Network Security, Database Security, Vulnerability Management, SIEM Management, training, and implementation of various international standards like ISO 27001, NIST, etc. in OnPrem and Cloud environments.


12:00 - 12:30

Pallati i Kongreseve (The Palace of Congresses) Main Conference - 22 September

SOAR in Cyber Security

SOAR combines three software capabilities: the management of threats and vulnerabilities, responding to security incidents, and automating security operations. The purpose of this session is to understand what is SOAR, which is the difference between SOAR and SIEM and why is SOAR used in SOC.